Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Santa Wishes!

Dax of couse like any kid his age loves to see Santa!  He got to see Santa several times this year.  There all kinds of different Santa. 

Dax's Santas Wish List:  First Dax started requesting from Santa a rocket ship that has a man in it and with a remote control.  I have no idea where Dax came up with this wish!  Santa started searching for this wish and he was kind of stumped.  I told Dax since he was really into Pirates that he might want to ask Santa for a pirate ship with pirates! Dax agreed and was excited about the change. 

Here are pictures with all the different Santas Dax took pictures with.

Dax and Shelby with Santa at Dickens on the Strand

We had a special Santa visit our house!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dax conversation...

Dax has been such a great sleeper up until we moved into our new house.  He wants to sleep with Don and I.  He will wake up some nights and crawl in bed with us.  He always comes to my side of the bed and I have to help him in the bed because our bed is pretty tall.  The other night I was putting Dax to bed and this is how the conversation went:

Dax: "I don't want to sleep in my bed."
Mommy: "Sorry, honey do you want me to get Spiderman for you?"
Dax:: "No, I don't want to sleep with fake people, I want to sleep with
real people!"

You have to love the honesty!  He is a pretty smart kid.  I would love for it to be OK for him to
sleep with us but I know once you get a kid in bed with you, you will never get them out!  BUT
my brother and I slept with Dad until we were in middle school and I think we turned out ok!

Merry Christmas from us!

I am just in love with the way our Christmas cards turned out.  My neighbor came over to snap a few pictures of Dax with a little idea I saw online.  I changed it up a little and what a cute kid we have!!