How is it possible that Dax turned one yesterday? For everytime I heard, "Enjoy every minute because they so grow fast!" I got a dollar I would be rich but that statement is so true! Is there anyway we can stop the time for just a few months? That does not seem to be hard right? When Dax was born he weight 7 lbs & 5 oz and boy has he grown. We go next week for his 1 year check up and I think I would be safe to say he weighs over 25 lbs! Yep, he is a big boy. I have listed below my Top 10 most rememborable moments of Dax's 1 year!
1. Before Dax arrived into the world the nurse told me I was going to have to push longer than normal because it seems that baby has a big head! Well- she was right! I was only in labor for 4 hours but 1 1/2 of that was pushing and his head is in the 90%!
2. Daddy was pretty scared of poopy diapers and was changing him when he was about 2 weeks old on our bed. When Dax had his diaper off he had projectile poop that went across the room on our armoire! Daddy ran leaving his diaper off and Dax continued to fire!
3. For the first month of Dax's life he was pretty fussy because I was starving him because I was not producing enough milk. How was I supposed to know this? The Yoga ball was our life saver! We bounced up and down for hours and that was the only thing that would make him stop crying. We shortly after that had to supplement formula and he has been a happy camper ever since.
4. Watching Dax in his bouncy chair was pretty entertaining! His legs would just kick and kick.
5. His hair will always be remembered! Dax's hair always sticks up no matter how hard you try to keep it down.
6. The comando, belly, seal or whatever you want to call his crawl! He would get on the floor and comando crawl everywhere he wanted to go and trust me he was fast. We did not ever think he was going to crawl on his hands and knees. At 9 months he finally figured it out after being in daycare for one day watching the other kids!
7. The day I put him in Daycare was VERY hard! He came to work with me for 9 months and I finally had to put him in Daycare so I could get my work done. I was working in the dark during his nap time, he always wanted to play with the outlets and plugs, and starting to get into everything. I was ready and really thought I was not going to cry the day I brought him but boy was I wrong! I dropped him off and could not leave! Everytime I would say bye the tears would start rolling down my face. I finally told Trisha I was not going to say bye and when I start walking to the door that means I am leaving.
8. Dax and Talking! Dax has so much to say. I really wish we knew what he was saying. He yells, growls, babbles and all.
9. Who's The Man? When he was about 9 months I would ask him "Who's the Man" and he would pat his chest!!
10. Just being you and being such a joy in our life!! You make us smile all the time. We are so blessed to have you as our child.
We love you Dax!
Mommy & Daddy!
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