Don went to Africa for a Safari hunt so I was not going to just sit at home! Dax and I thought what a great opportunity it would be to visit Uncle Brian in Florida! I braved Dax's first plane flight alone. I went back in forth deciding whether or not I was going to buy him his own seat or just hold him for 3 hours. All of you that know Dax, know that he is VERY active. The best money I ever spent was on his own seat. I borrowed a carseat/stoller all in one and from the time we got to the airport until we got to Brian's house Dax never left his carseat. It was great. Dax did very well on the plane. He slept for part of the flight and we played the other part. On the way there we sat next to a really nice lady and the way back the man with the worst body odor in America sat next to us! I think the smell knock Dax out and he was sleeping before we left the ground!!
I was really excited to see my brother and for him to get to visit with Dax. We did not have many plans once we got there other than hangout. We shopped a lot and ate a lot!
Brian is a deaf interpreter and I have never seen him work so he worked on Saturday and Dax and I watched. The cool thing is he works sometimes at Disney. What a great opportunity to bring Dax to meet Mickey. We packed up the car and headed to Disney. Brian's first show to work was the Lion King show. He does an amazing job and Dax just pretty much watch Brian the whole time. We got front row reserved seating. After the show we waited in line to meet Mickey Mouse. Dax was really excited to see Mickey from about 10 feet away. He actually had so much to say to him. Once it was our turn Dax wanted nothing to do with poor Mickey.
Dax was running a fever the Friday night before Disney so after about 4 hours we went to Brian's friends house for a couple hours so Dax could take a nap. What a life saver. He slept for 3 hours and then we went to Magic Kingdom. We rode a couple rides and let Dax run around. We had so much fun. Would I ever take a 1 year old to Disney just to go, NO! Dax just wanted out of the stroller and to run around. There were so many people I could not just let him loose. While waiting in line for about 30 minutes each time we had to entertain him. It was hard work.
BUT... we did have fun and it's memories with Mommy and Uncle Brian! We sure do wish he would move closer to us so we can visit him more often. We miss you and love you! Thanks for spoiling us!
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