So- I am not the great blogger that I thought I would be! I am really going to try to update my blog atleast once a week.
Where does time go and is it really October? Dax is 18 months now and is learning so much. He is my little parrot and has learned about 30 words now. In the car, at the house or just out he will tell you an entire story. Man- I wish I knew what he was saying. Every night when I put Dax to bed we say the Now I lay me down to sleep prayer. Last Sunday, we said the prayer and at the very end he took his paci out and said "Amen!" It was so sweet!
The first weekend of October officially started hunting season! I am a true "Hunters Widow!" Don is such huge hunter. I don't think I will understand how a Man could enjoy hunting and sitting in the woods getting eaten by mosquitoes.
Stayed tuned for Halloween pictures and what Dax will be this year!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Falling Behind on Blogging!

I thought I would be pretty good at keeping up with a blog but I have proven myself wrong! It has been over a month since I have blogged anything but that does not mean we have not been staying busy!
This past weekend was a very special weekend. We celebrated my Grandparent's 60th Wedding Anniversary! Wow...60 years of marriage. My Grandparents are so special to me and they have truly been a love story throughout the years. I can't wait to spend 60 years with Don...6 down and 54 to go! We had many out of town guest visit! My Aunt Doris flew in from Wyoming, my brother Brian came in from Florida, Great Aunt Maggie came in from New Orleans. What a wonderful day. We renter out a room at Pappas Seafood and there were about a total of 45 friends and family.
Friday before the party I managed to lock Dax in the car! YEP- I locked Dax in the car and it was not running. Just as soon as we figured out the doors were locked and my keys were sitting on my seat the mall security guard drove by. Wow...what perfect timing. I ran after him and started banging on his window. I scared him pretty bad! The fire department was pretty prompt and he was only in the car for max 10 minutes! After they got him out of the car they gave him a fireman's hat which was super cute!
Father's Day was great. Don has been begging me to go to the neighborhood pool and I have been dreading it. Finally, since it was Father's Day I agreed and actually had a great time. Dax also loved it. They have a great area for little kids. Dax is still a few inches short of making me feel some what save. He thought it was funny to fall down and go underwater! Mommy on the other hand did not think it was funny. He also went down the slide. What a dare devil. We finished the day at my parent's house with both brothers and families! Nice relaxing evening!
Here are a few pictures to catch you up!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I am so lucky!!

I am one of the luckiest Mothers around!! I have the greatest boys in the world and so thankful they are in my life! We did not do much for Mother's Day but be a family which is the most important thing in my life! Don gave me a gift card to my favorite shopping place, Ann Taylor. It's already burning a hole in my pocket! Then....Dax and Daddy where behind the wall and I hear Don tell Dax "Go give it to Mommy!" He comes around the corner with a bag in one hand and a card in the other. He was laughing and smiling the whole way to me. It's amazing how fast they grow and how fast he is picking up on everything. My Mother's Day present from Dax was a beautiful ring with Dax's birthstone in the middle from James Avery.
Thanks Boys for everything you do. You guys always make me smile when I think about you!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Uncles, Florida, Mickey & More

Don went to Africa for a Safari hunt so I was not going to just sit at home! Dax and I thought what a great opportunity it would be to visit Uncle Brian in Florida! I braved Dax's first plane flight alone. I went back in forth deciding whether or not I was going to buy him his own seat or just hold him for 3 hours. All of you that know Dax, know that he is VERY active. The best money I ever spent was on his own seat. I borrowed a carseat/stoller all in one and from the time we got to the airport until we got to Brian's house Dax never left his carseat. It was great. Dax did very well on the plane. He slept for part of the flight and we played the other part. On the way there we sat next to a really nice lady and the way back the man with the worst body odor in America sat next to us! I think the smell knock Dax out and he was sleeping before we left the ground!!
I was really excited to see my brother and for him to get to visit with Dax. We did not have many plans once we got there other than hangout. We shopped a lot and ate a lot!
Brian is a deaf interpreter and I have never seen him work so he worked on Saturday and Dax and I watched. The cool thing is he works sometimes at Disney. What a great opportunity to bring Dax to meet Mickey. We packed up the car and headed to Disney. Brian's first show to work was the Lion King show. He does an amazing job and Dax just pretty much watch Brian the whole time. We got front row reserved seating. After the show we waited in line to meet Mickey Mouse. Dax was really excited to see Mickey from about 10 feet away. He actually had so much to say to him. Once it was our turn Dax wanted nothing to do with poor Mickey.
Dax was running a fever the Friday night before Disney so after about 4 hours we went to Brian's friends house for a couple hours so Dax could take a nap. What a life saver. He slept for 3 hours and then we went to Magic Kingdom. We rode a couple rides and let Dax run around. We had so much fun. Would I ever take a 1 year old to Disney just to go, NO! Dax just wanted out of the stroller and to run around. There were so many people I could not just let him loose. While waiting in line for about 30 minutes each time we had to entertain him. It was hard work.
BUT... we did have fun and it's memories with Mommy and Uncle Brian! We sure do wish he would move closer to us so we can visit him more often. We miss you and love you! Thanks for spoiling us!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Easter Bunny was not to bad!

We took Dax to see the Easter Bunny last night! Dax did really well visiting Santa when he was 9 months old but since he is older now I thought he would cry with the Easter Bunny. Mom was wrong again. Our friend Sloan was in town from Atlanta and stopped by the house so he took the ride with us to see the Easter Bunny and Aimee was at the mall so she stayed to witness the experience.
When we got to Mr. Bunny they were not in a rush by any means. There were only 2 people infront of us but it took forever it seemed. I let Dax walk around and be social. He loves people and just talks and smiles at everyone. (I'm not sure where he got that from!) So, when it was his turn I put him down and he walked right up to the Bunny. He actually had so much to say to that Bunnny. He was talking away and pointing. I only wish I knew what he was saying. After he had his conversation with the bunny I put Dax on his lap. He was smiling and checking him out. After about 4 minutes of sitting on his lap Dax had enough and wanted down. I am not sure where the lady that was taking his picture was when he was smiling but when he was wiggling away from Mr. Bunny she came and took his picture.
He did very well and there were no tears! Dax will talk to anyone if you let him.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
OK- Dax got a TRIM!

In an earlier post I said Dax was not going to get a hair cut after he turned 1 but his hair was in his eyes. We decided to get him a little TRIM so he could see out of those pretty blue eyes. I had wanted to take him to the little kids place but we took him to Sports Clips so Daddy and Dax could get a hair cut together. I had envisioned Dax sitting on our lap and trying to get down since he hates to be confined. Well- that is not how it went at all. They took out a booster seat which I thought he would fall off of while getting a hair cut. Dax was perfect. He sat on the booster chair with his smock on and did whatever the lady told him to do. He was really interested in the guy getting his haircut next to him. Dax was trying to talk to him the whole time. He looked like such a big boy sitting in the chair.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Dax's 1st Birthday Bash!

We survived Dax's 1st birthday bash! Of course, it's your first child's first birthday so why not go all out. Dax and I talked about it and he wanted a crawfish boil and all his little buddies. :) Boy was that a lot of work! We boiled 150 lbs of crawfish and had lots little friends running around. Bounce houses were such an awesome invention to keep the kids entertained. We had a face painter come and she was great. I was busy with other party details Dax did not get his faced painted.
The birthday cake was a hit! There was not ONE piece of cake left. Dax was pretty slow digging into his cake. I finally stuck his fingers into the cake and he went to down. Note to self: don't get colored icing for baby's smash cake. He was colored head to toe with red icing.
My parents were kind enough to let us have the party at their house. They have such a beautiful backyard with lots of room.
Next year we are doing pizza at the park!! HA!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Happy Birthday to My Baby Dax! (yesterday!)

How is it possible that Dax turned one yesterday? For everytime I heard, "Enjoy every minute because they so grow fast!" I got a dollar I would be rich but that statement is so true! Is there anyway we can stop the time for just a few months? That does not seem to be hard right? When Dax was born he weight 7 lbs & 5 oz and boy has he grown. We go next week for his 1 year check up and I think I would be safe to say he weighs over 25 lbs! Yep, he is a big boy. I have listed below my Top 10 most rememborable moments of Dax's 1 year!
1. Before Dax arrived into the world the nurse told me I was going to have to push longer than normal because it seems that baby has a big head! Well- she was right! I was only in labor for 4 hours but 1 1/2 of that was pushing and his head is in the 90%!
2. Daddy was pretty scared of poopy diapers and was changing him when he was about 2 weeks old on our bed. When Dax had his diaper off he had projectile poop that went across the room on our armoire! Daddy ran leaving his diaper off and Dax continued to fire!
3. For the first month of Dax's life he was pretty fussy because I was starving him because I was not producing enough milk. How was I supposed to know this? The Yoga ball was our life saver! We bounced up and down for hours and that was the only thing that would make him stop crying. We shortly after that had to supplement formula and he has been a happy camper ever since.
4. Watching Dax in his bouncy chair was pretty entertaining! His legs would just kick and kick.
5. His hair will always be remembered! Dax's hair always sticks up no matter how hard you try to keep it down.
6. The comando, belly, seal or whatever you want to call his crawl! He would get on the floor and comando crawl everywhere he wanted to go and trust me he was fast. We did not ever think he was going to crawl on his hands and knees. At 9 months he finally figured it out after being in daycare for one day watching the other kids!
7. The day I put him in Daycare was VERY hard! He came to work with me for 9 months and I finally had to put him in Daycare so I could get my work done. I was working in the dark during his nap time, he always wanted to play with the outlets and plugs, and starting to get into everything. I was ready and really thought I was not going to cry the day I brought him but boy was I wrong! I dropped him off and could not leave! Everytime I would say bye the tears would start rolling down my face. I finally told Trisha I was not going to say bye and when I start walking to the door that means I am leaving.
8. Dax and Talking! Dax has so much to say. I really wish we knew what he was saying. He yells, growls, babbles and all.
9. Who's The Man? When he was about 9 months I would ask him "Who's the Man" and he would pat his chest!!
10. Just being you and being such a joy in our life!! You make us smile all the time. We are so blessed to have you as our child.
We love you Dax!
Mommy & Daddy!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Million Dollar Question!

Are we going to cut Dax's hair on his 1st birthday? And the answer is NO!! The day Dax was born the boy had lots of hair that just stood straight up. Dax is known for his wild hair and that's his trademark! We might have to cut some off the long hairs that are getting in his face but other than that no haircut for Mr. Dax!
When Dax was about 3 months old my Mom and I were shopping in Pottery Barn and Dax was in his stroller. There was a younger couple that walked by Dax and the guy laughed outloud. His girlfriend asked "What's so funny?" He said, "Nothing" but I saw him look at Dax. I yelled out, "Excuse Me Sir, Where you laughing at my baby's hair?" He turned around and his face was bright red and he replied "Yes, do you do that on purpose because I gel my hair to make it stand up!" It was so funny and I just laughed! You know me, I had to say something to him because it was funny.
Everywhere we go Dax gets petted. He used to get petted more when his hair stood straight up but now since his hair is longer is has laid down a bit.....
So- for all your curious people out there we are not giving Dax a haircut! Pretty soon we can donate it to locks of love!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Floaters in the bathtub!
My sister-in-law has always said "Just wait until they poop in the bathtub!" Yuck, does that really happen? Well-last night it really happened! I was giving Dax a bath last night in our tub and Don was in the bathroom filming Dax. Dax loves to stand up in the tub and throw the ball outside of the tub. While he was standing up, he farted which we thought was funny since we were filming him. A few minutes later he starts grunting and hunching over a little and we know when he is playing and makes these noises he is doing #2! After that he sits down and all the #2 starts floating in the tub! YUCK! I grab a scoop and get it out and change the water. BUT wait he is not done and starts pooping more! I tell Don to grab Dax and get him out of the water and take him to the sink. His response was "Gross I am not getting him!" We go back and forth and finally he listens to me and takes him to the sink and gives him a good washing! It was pretty funny after the fact but gross during the time! Just another joy of parenthood that makes you laugh!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Dax, our human garbage disposal!

Don and I are amazed how much Dax LOVES to eat. We joke all the time and say Dax has foodgasms. When he sees food he starts moving his hands like he is riding a motorcycle and moans. If you put him in the high chair and walk away without giving him food first he yells at you. I have to prepare his food first and have it all cut up in Dax portions before I can eat because he stuffs the food in his mouth. He loves to eat blueberries but I don't think he chews them because they come out whole in his poopy diapers. The only food we have found that he does not like is plain avocados. He spits them out and will not eat them. I am so glad he likes his greens because Mommy does not set a good example on eating!! Here are a few pictures of him eating spaghetti last night.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Dax is 11 Months Today!

Where has time gone? Little Dax is 11 months today and it's hard to believe. In the last month he just surprises us everyday with something new. He loves to clap and blow kisses. He gets excited and goes from clapping, to blowing kisses, to putting his hands in the air. He is defiantly full of energy. It's time to start baby proofing the house. We finally put a gate up to keep him from going up the sitars. He LOVES the stairs and before the gate he would give it his best to beat us up the stairs. I picked him up from daycare yesterday and he was in a different outfit. Trisha said he had the worst blow out. She had to stick him in the bathtub because it went up his back and all the way in his hair! I am so glad Dax was kind enough to let Trisha experience this major poop. This little guy is my world and love every moment of Motherhood.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
My Mom's a Poll Climber!!

So- my Mom works for AT&T and the union is going on strike! They are assigning all the non-union workers new jobs until the strike gets resolved. Currently, my Mom is in Management position and sits behind a desk everyday. Not sure who determined what jobs they will do but they decided my 135 lb Mom would be a good poll climber! Yep- that's right, my Mom will be going to California and climbing those HUGE telephone polls you see! If you have problems with your telephones MY MOM will show up in her bucket truck and climb the poll to make sure your phone gets repaired! What a brave lady. She has started her training. She gets to come to Houston at the beginning of March for a poll climbing school! You go MOM!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Dad's 3rd hip replacement!!

Dad has survived his 3rd hip replacement!! Yep- #3! I pray this surgery works and gets Dad out of pain! We will see how long he stays off the golf course this time. I went to visit him in the hospital and everyone new Mr. Truitt. While he was in therapy the therapist did not even have to tell him what to do. She just sat back and watched him do his thing. A nurse would walk past the room and holler "How's it going Mr. Truitt!" I think the they should name a wing of the hospital after him! I know he has paid a good penny for it! He gets out of the hospital this afternoon and Kim-ma will have her hands full a patient and Dax tonight!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
New Braunfels Roadtrip!

Dax and I headed to New Braunfels for the weekend to see Grandma and PaPa. Don actually meet us there Friday night also! It was nice to get away for the weekend. I really wanted to take Dax on a train ride. There is a place called WonderWorld in San Marcos so Mom and I packed Dax in the car for this train ride and headed to San Marcos. We got our tickets but before the train ride there are several other tours that lead up to the ride. This was our first time to visit WonderWorld so we were not aware that we were about to take a cave tour before. I carried Dax down the cave tour which was a pretty neat since none of us have never been in a cave before. Man- you talk about a workout carrying a 24lb baby up and down the steep steps. Well- at the end of the cave tour there were several other tours before the train ride. We ended up leaving before the train ride since it was time for Dax to eat and take a nap. Next time we will be prepared and ask for the train ride!
Dax finally got meet Bowen! Bowen came to New Braunfels to visit us. We put Dax to bed handed Grandma the baby monitor and went out in New Braunfels. We had a great time.
Thanks for having us for the weekend we had a great time!
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