Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom-Nana!

On July 27th was my Mom's birthday.  She is always coming down for my grandparent's birthdays and other celebrations so I wanted to do something special for her.  So, Holly, Dax, and I loaded the car Tuesday afternoon and headed to New Bruanfels.  I did not tell her or my stepfather we were coming into town.  Brad can't keep very good secrets.  It worked out perfect because Mom actually took off early so when we got to their house I had Dax ring the doorbell and we hid.  Mom was very surprised and I think we made her day special.  We went to dinner in Gruene and then headed to the dance hall.  For 15 years the band Two Tons of Steel plays at Gruene Hall during the summer.  Mom and Brad used to be groupys so what a better way to spend her birthday.  Dax had a ball dancing and playing outside.  The next day we got up and headed to the outlet mall for a little shopping and lunch.

Happy Birthday Mom!  I love you!

Monday, July 26, 2010

It's Official: The "WHY" stage has started!

This weekend Dax has entered into the "WHY" stage at 28 months!  He was usually asking us all the time "What are you doing?" but this weekend he started asking, why?  This phase only started a couple days ago
and it's already driving me crazy!  How long does this last?  Good thing he is so darn cute! OK- he is pretty much perfect in all the other areas so I guess I can handle the why questions! 

Friday, July 23, 2010

Double Date Night with the Manuels!

Dax went to visit his Grammie and PawPaw in Dayton for a few days so we had a double date with The Manuels.  It has been years since we went on a fun double date with the Manuels.  We went to dinner at Outback Steakhouse and then went bowling.  Bowling brings back such fun memories.  Don was the winner (of course) of both games.  I was in 2nd place so the Satterwhites were the winners!!  We ended the night having dessert drinks at the Sienna Grille.  You can't go wrong by ending the night with a few chocolate martinis.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

More Beach Fun!

This past weekend we had a full house at the beach house!  Every bed was occupied!  The visitors this weekend were Misty and Mark Arroyos with their boys Lane (5) and Guy (almost 4), Brenna and Griffin (11), Ashley and Mark Manuel, Kellie and Ryan Kelly, and Kim and Julian (3). 

Dax thinks the canal is his swimming pool.  So, Friday evening the kids got into the "swimming pool" and had a blast.  Saturday we were back in the swimming pool around 9 o'clock the next morning.  The guys had gone offshore fishing which leaves the girls to take care of the kids.  We headed off to the beach for a few hours.  The weather was wonderful and everyone enjoyed relaxing at the beach.

Griffin playing in the sand

Friday, July 16, 2010

3 Little Piggies

Last weekend when we were driving home from the beach house Dax was talking up a storm and really into what he was saying.  He was telling a little story.  I was curious to what he was saying so I turned down the radio to listen to him.  It was the cutest little Dax version of the Three Little Piggies.  I am guessing in school they have been reading that book since I have never read that book to him.  It's comforting knowing he is really learning and paying attention. 

Here is Dax's version of the Three Little Piggies that I heard:

Theres a little piggy in the house
A wolf comes and says let me in
No you cant come in
I knock knock
I blow your house down. 

The cutest part about this is uses a growl kind of voice and when he blows he shakes his head and blow hard!  I need to try to capture this on video.

And the play of the game is: Uncle Steven!

We took Dax to his first baseball game to see his favorite player, Uncle Steven.  Steven started playing in a wooden bat league in Houston so we loaded up the car to cheer him on.  Dax loves his Uncle Steven and was very excited to go watch him play baseball.  As most of you know, Steven has such a passion for the game of baseball.  He has always been such an amazing athlete.  Even at the age of 32 he is still going strong and making great plays and hitting homeruns.  Uncle Steven was even named player of the game!!  Way to go Uncle Steve!!
On the way to watch Uncle Steven
Dax cheering on Uncle Steven on!
Cousin Clay & Dax
I am going to be just like Uncle Steven!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lifes A Beach And On A Boat!

What a really relaxing weekend we had at the beach house.  We did not have to take any trips to the local Galveston ER and we got to enjoy the weekend.  Other than the mosquitoes the weather was beautiful.  Don and they guys went fishing early in the morning and Dax and the girls played at the house until the guys got back.  Unfortunately, they did not have a very successful fishing trip but they always have a great time. 

 Later that evening Don, Dax and I took the boat out and anchored it in the water and swam.  Dax was a little dare devil.  He loved the water and even learned how to use the ladder off the back of the boat.  He would climb up the ladder and jump off the side of the boat back into the water.  I did not want Dax to know, but Momma was a little scared of the water.  I have become a chicken in my older days and just kept thinking of a shark eating my legs off.  I have good news to report, that we all returned back to the beach house with all of our limbs! 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Little Angel!

Dax has always loved his sleep.  Don and I were very thankful that Dax was a good sleeper so we could enjoy our sleep also!!  I have always bragged on what a good sleeper Dax has been since 4 months old.  Here are some pictures I have take of him sleeping.  I love to stare at him when he is sleeping.  He is just so perfect!